Tuesday, September 8, 2015


The traditional Häggstaträffen was arranged in Stockholm last weekend. I was honored to be "the special guest”, which included being spanked by an 8b trad route, and giving a lecture later in the evening. Previous years special guests have been some pretty known climbers, such as  Daniel Andrada and Ines Papert, so I did my best not to suck.

The weather wasn't too good, but it was very nice to climb with Swedes for a change. In Austria I've been climbing a lot by myself, which of course has been good training for my next trip. Still, it was nice to be reminded again about the friendliness of Swedish climbers.

Swedish climbing association also interviewed me and did an article about the event. You can find it from here (in Swedish).

Ett stort tack till Stockholms klätterklubb för en mycket bra arrangemang och till alla som kom till träffen!


 Everything is better in Sweden, even the characters in instructions have some fancy moves

 Posterspotting at Addnature

 My bivi was also a bit nicer than usually


 Fredrik on Rampfebern, 6+

 Some parents can't climb because of the kids, apparently others can climb with the kids

Some slackline action

This girl was pretty good!

Getting ready for Sjötaket

Half of the route had fallen down, which meant that there was a chance that the route might be easier. However, this doesn't really help if you can't make it to the new part.

After the dinner it was time for my lecture.

Two happy almost-8b-climbers

Häggstaträffen was a bit bigger event back in the 80's. In 1982 two Finns arrived to the event, which was the last time the event was international.